DNS Integration

DNS integration is the simplest integration method that Spec offers. Customers simply need to add or modify their DNS records for their protected domains to route user traffic to the Spec Platform. The Spec Platform then routes the user traffic to the customer's origin servers.


  • Ensure that Spec has a certificate for your domain.

    • Your Product Success representative will provide a CNAME record name and value for you to publish with your DNS provider so the Spec Platform can receive and/or process traffic for your protected domain.

  • Confirm that you have the Spec Platform endpoint to which you will be adding or changing your DNS record value.

    • Speak with your Product Success representative if you do not already have this.


  1. Log into your DNS provider and locate the record that holds the name for your protected domain.

  2. Alter CNAME record

    1. If you will be creating a new record, create a new CNAME record.

    2. If the existing record is not a CNAME, convert it to a CNAME record.

  3. Add or replace the CNAME record's value with the Spec Platform endpoint you received from your Product Success representative and save the entry.

  4. Wait a few minutes for the DNS record to propagate.

  5. Verify the change using dig - the command should return the Spec Trust Cloud endpoint as the new CNAME value.

    1. Example: dig example.com +short

Example DNS Change


Record NameTypeRecord Value




Record NameTypeRecord Value




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